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Brochures, paper bags, stickers...

Nuestras Lonas y Displays son de una calidad de marca. Tenemos amplia variedad de dispays para que usted escoja. Tambien nuestros displays son inovativos, confiables y de impacto completo
- Quiere que su mensaje sobresalga y sea facil de notar y recordar?
- Esta planeando el lanzamiento de un producto, promocion o campana?
- Esta usted ensamblando un seminario, un workshop o sesion de entrenamiento para sus equipo?
Nosotros le ayudamos...We can help
Our Banners and Displays is a quality brand of graphics display stands. We have the widest range of display stands to choose from. Our displays are innovative, reliable and impact-full.
Do you want your message to stand out and be easily noticed and remembered?
Are you planning a product launch, promotion or awareness campaign?
Are you staging a seminar, workshop or training for your partners?

  • Banners
  • Info boards
  • Portable roll-up displays
  • Scrolling displays
  • Portable roll-up displays
  • Scrolling displays
  • Portable roll-up displays
  • Scrolling displays
  • Roll backdrops
  • Rotating displays

  • We also execute/fabricate fine custom display stands.
    Looking for complete graphics display solutions?

    Catalogs, envelops, books...bifold

    Nuestro productos son elaborados con materiales de alta calidad, los colores de nuestro tripticos y demas materiales que involucran color completo "Full Colour" tiene un aspecto mas llamativo debido a nuuestra exclusiva technica de impresion.

    Our products are made with high quality material, the colour of our printings and any other products that involve Full Colour have a vivid and deep look.

    Final product, beatiful banners, lonas..."thesis

    Porque escoger a California Impresores para tus servicios de impresion?
    Nuestras tintas son las mejores en el mercado
    Tenemos mas de 20 anos de experiencia
    Imprimiendo lonas, ropa y articulos de officina
    Siempre ofrecemos los precios mas competitivos
    Escoge de una gran variedad de diferentes grosores de papel.

    Why choose California Impresores for printing services? Our inks are the best on the market We have over 20 years of experience Print to banners, clothes and stationery We always offer the most competitive prices Choose from all kinds of differently weighted paper


    Cortado de Dados tipicamente se refiere al impresion de corte. Es cuanado un dado es presionado en una pieza de carton para empacar o piel para hacer zapatos, es el corteque le da forma al objeto. Tenemos el servicio de Dados para diseno de paqueteria.

    Nosotros lo hacemos.

    La herramienta de Dado es es fundamentalmente una coombinacionde madera, acero y hule preparado ien una forma y estructure que hace mediante la compresion formas especificas, principalmente cajas.

    Classic and Digital technologymagazines

    four people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.

    The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.

    Corporate ID, looking at its best..corporate ID

    Offset Printing

    Impresion Offset

    Offset Printing
    Estas buscando una solucion en impresion de lata calidad? Nuestro servicio con el sistema de entrega placas de alta-calidad en el formato requerido directo a nustra prensa - tan confiable como lo esperabas del la previcion del roducto. Nuestro servicio de impresion de offset combina la tecnologia con las mas altas expectativas y por lo tanto algo en lo que puedes confiar. Impresion tipica de trabajos incluye, tranaj clasico comercial tal como impresion de papeleria para oficina, libretos, flyers,formas, postcards,etiquetas, etc.

    OOffset Printing is great for business cards, letterhead, catalogs, books/booklets, business forms, flyers, brochures, calendars, invitations and so much more.

    Offset printing offers the best price per piece in the printing industry. It is also the highest quality printing process in the industry.

    The process produces prints with rich, smooth solids without the streaking found in lesser quality prints. Actual inks are used, not toner. The look and feel of any offset product comes across as more professional.

    Offset Printing
    You are looking for a solution for high quality mass printing? Our computer-to-plate systems deliver high-quality printing plates in the required format directly to our press – as fast and reliable as you have come to expect from Preview Printers. Our Offset Printing combines proven technology with high reliability in production and is therefore a press you can rely on. Typical print jobs include classical commercial work such as business stationery, brochures, leaflets, forms, postcards, greetings cards, dust covers, labels, etc.

    Offset Printing is great for business cards, letterhead, catalogs, books/booklets, business forms, flyers, brochures, calendars, invitations and so much more.

    Offset printing offers the best price per piece in the printing industry. It is also the highest quality printing process in the industry.

    The process produces prints with rich, smooth solids without the streaking found in lesser quality prints. Actual inks are used, not toner. The look and feel of any offset product comes across as more professional.

    gios offset

    Signage is very clear and can be seen easilysignage

    Senalamiento, disenamos y manufacturamos estandard senalamietos, incluyendo senalamiento en frente del negocio, para anadir impacto podemos disenar en 3ra dimension y recortar y realzar las letras. Si es que estas planeando una convencion, un show de intrcambio, conferencia, reunion o un evento corporativo, no importa el tamano; tu encontraras un arcoiris de senales, y media exterior de donde escojer.

    Signage, We design and manufacture standard signs and shop front signage – for added impact we can manufacture 3D and cut out and raised lettering. Whether you’re planning a Convention, Trade Show, Conference, Meeting, or Corporate Event, regardless of its size; you’ll find a wide array of Digital Signage, & Outdoor media to choose from.

    california impresores, inc.

    Maximo detail in our productsdetail

    Tenemos la EXPERIENCIA y el equipamiento necesario para que tu NEGOCIO transmita la IMPRESION que se necesita al captar CLIENTES, y que su marca sea bien RECONOCIDA

    El detalle que tenemos para con tu producto es muy meticulosa y te sorprendera el producto final que le dara a tu negocio una personalidad superior a los demas

    We have the experience and the right equipment so your business can transmite the impression that it needs to atract clients that will see their brand business become very well defined. The amount of detail we put into your product is very sharp and you will be amazed with the final product that will give to your business a superior personality above the rest.

    Llama ahora para mas informaciontiger
    haz "click" aqui y mandanos tus preguntas...

    Esta empresa fue fundada por el director de la compañia "Don Gilberto Chang", hace ya algunos años; Servimos empresas de todos tamaños, tales como Coca Cola, RSL, ....... y estamos muy orgullos por la preferencia que tenemos de nuestros clientes.
    Esperamos seguir creciendo y adaptándonos a la nueva tecnología digital para ofrecer lo mejor de nosotros.

    Our company was founded by Mr.Chang who is the technical director of the company, he started quite a few years ago and he has been serving some big companies and small ones too, like Coca-Cola among some others.

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